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Jan 10

We picked up Teo from the vet.  I guess he had a rough first night, some general discomfort despite the pain pump catheter and he had some bleeding from the stitches.  Not unexpected given the scale of the surgery.  The vet was so great and even came in at 2am to check on him, to find he had pee’d his crate.  The next morning he walked outside but didn’t get rid of anything.  They keep him the second night to monitor the bleeding/swelling and keep the pain pump in.

So we picked him up today, he was soooooo excited to see us.  A car ride home with lots of treats (he didn’t eat a lick the whole vet time) and he pee’d outside and ate lunch upon arrival home.  He has bi-lateral fentanyl patches for pain and some Novox.

We were prepared for the incision but it’s all covered up with a compression wrap.  And as prepared as we were for all this, it’s still funny how goofy he looks with no front leg.  We looked at lots of photos, there is even another tripawd in town but it’s so weird to see him missing it.

To sum it up, he’s eaten, pee’d and poo’d since arriving home so all is well.  The swelling will reduce in time and the primary task is keeping him calm till the wound heals.  I think Teo has some crate and “cone of shame” time ahead of him because we are looking at a killer powder day in the hills tomorrow.


3 comments so far

  1. Charlie
    8:31 pm - 1-10-2013

    That look says it all. Hey, bud, I’m with you on that, I’d be a bit unhappy, too.

  2. rica55
    9:23 pm - 1-10-2013

    Wow! Look at him go! You go Teo!!!!

  3. jerry
    11:40 am - 1-12-2013

    Teo, I’m sorry I just now saw your post-surgery update. Yay for it going well! How are you today? Did you have to stay home while your people went out and had FUN? Well no worries my friend, you’ll be back on the slopes in no time.

    And by the way, my people totally forgot what I was like when I had 4 legs. Now they see pictures of me with 4 and they go “Who was THAT”?

    Tripawds Rule. Quadpawds drool.

    xoxo Keep us posted!

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