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Dec 18

Such a great saying, it came to me via a bottle cap off a Powder Hound beer.  And is speaks to Teo’s attitude thus far in life…. through the wood eating phase, elk poo eating phase, elk poo rolling phase, the “your not wearing boots, I’m running though snow” phase…. and now the tripawd phase after his gazelle-esque leap in front of that car.

Went to see the K9 PT today for a baseline evaluation.  He’s compensated well , as the videos show, and is set up well for recovery from surgery.  I learned some stretches, massages and Teo got some exercises to do.  Doggy sit-ups, push-ups and core workout!?!

Date for the amputation is set for Jan 8th and we’re having a party for Teo on the 4th.  Pork Shoulder and Front Limb Elk steaks…. if we can’t laugh then how are we going to get on with life?  Already the jokes are starting … “hey Teo, do you get 25% off on dog wear?” and more from my friends.

Life goes on, Teo gets stronger and I strive to just keep up

Bounding Retrieve

Teo sporting his TriPawd scarf


1 comment so far

  1. jerry
    10:45 am - 12-20-2012

    Love love love to see him enjoying all that snow!

    That party idea is great. You’re right, you gotta have a sense of humor when you start the Tripawd journey!

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