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Dec 05

2 nights ago young Teo made the unfortunate choice of playing chicken with a car; I think they both lost.  After a rough night at the Vet he was released with no broken bones or internal injuries; except for a that pesky Brachial Plexus Avulsion.  As I’m learning, the next few weeks are just the inevitable lead up to an amputation unless something drastic changes.

So, after a good first night home and normal food ins and waste outs, we start our new life.   Who knows what will happen.



3 comments so far

  1. admin
    11:32 am - 12-5-2012

    Ouch! Degloving can indeed be painful and difficult to heal. Best wishes, please keep us posted on Teo’s progress.

    Just curious, what this has to do with mountain town hopping? You blog almost got spammed. 🙂

  2. teomoon
    12:31 pm - 12-5-2012

    De-gloving is indeed painful and thank goodness Teo does not sufffer from that wound. the nerves bundle avulsed from the spinal column.

    I think what you saying is I should change the blog title.

  3. jerry
    9:42 am - 12-6-2012

    Teo you are a nut! I’m glad you’re OK.

    Hey come to the forums and search for “Lacey.” She wants to talk to other Tripawds who lost a leg to nerve injuries.

    Mountain town hopping eh? Sounds like fun. Do tell!

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